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An image with the Pro Silva Logo and the Österreichischer Forstverein Logo and the Text "News from"
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News from

3. 6. 2022


An image of Tobias Sutterlüty

Tobias Sutterlüty

An image with the Pro Silva Logo and the Österreichischer Forstverein Logo and the Text "News from"

We are on the Austrian Forestry Days in Taggenbrunn from 9th to 10th of June 2022! has been invited to this year's forestry days and the subsequent excursion of Eckart Senitza, founder of ProSilva. The excursion will take place on Friday 10th of June in the forests of Gut Poitschach.

Alexander would be happy to meet you in person on 9th or 10th of June to introduce and share further details on with you.

If you spontaneously decide to participate, please contact Alexander directly.

Other news from

With Roman and Alexander, we have two new employees on board and continue with reinforcement to further develop our platform.

Two short films were shot with existing project partners - have fun!

Our CEO Jodok Batlogg had a longer interview with

What does do? is your regional partner that provides you with a transparent and measurable climate protection value of your local forest.

With's digital platform, forest owners have relevant key figures of their forest available at all times.

Currently, we are still focused on inventoried forest areas of more than 500 ha, but this technological solution will be applicable to smallest areas and subsequently scaled to the whole of Europe.

How does a forest project with work?

In a first step, the scope and type of the project is determined with the forest owner in a feasibility study.

The following types are possible with the methodology:

  • CO₂ conservation (commitment of 30 years)

  • CO₂ removal (commitment of 1 – 30 years)

  • Or a combination of the two

After the conclusion out of the feasibility study, a contract is signed between the forest owner and

In a further step, submits the project to TÜV Nord, which validates it and subsequently verifies and issues the tCO₂ certificates annually. There are no costs for the forest owner in this state of the project. manages the certificate register and takes care of the sales of the certificates at the best possible price.

After has received the payment, the amount is immediately forwarded to the forest owner - the money transferred must be invested in the management of the forest (forestry management measures, forest personnel costs, etc.).