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Trees in vienna
Certification completedCredits available

City of Vienna

The Vienna Woods are essential for the urban climatic conditions of the city of Vienna - as a carbon sink, the forest provides important ecosystem services
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Project Infos

Project Area

4,419.1 ha



Project Start Date

January 2023

Project Time Span

30 years

Project Type

Improved Forest Management - Conservation

Project Developer, Dornbirn

Verification Standard

SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard, ISO 14064-2


Project Volume

14,220 tCO₂/year

Risk Buffer Share


Credits available

Project documents


TÜV Certificate

Maximilian Venhofen

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Multi-layered forest

Forests in all their diversity of layers and levels

Panoramic view of the extensive forest district

Panoramic view of the extensive forest district

colorful trees

Beech and oak mixed forests shape the landscape

Vital oak forest stands

Vital oak forest stands

Biotope trees

Biotope trees - home to many microorganisms

Unique growth forms of trees

Unique growth forms

Forest school vienna

Viennese children learn about the forest at the Ottakring Forest School

Pristine torrent courses

Species-rich watercourses run through the forest

City in the forest

A life in harmony with the forest

Vienna Forest horses

Working with horses: Protects the harvest and prevents soil compaction

Forest Climate Protection Project

A forest with special features

The forests of the Vienna City Forestry Department are characterised by a special distribution of areas, in which mainly mixed deciduous forests dominate. These are mainly dominated by beech and oak and extend from collinier to submontane altitudes. Small areas of primary black pine forests and alder-ash forests along watercourses as well as picturesque downy oak scrub forests complete the diversity. The tree species composition in the Vienna Woods is predominantly near-natural and reflects the respective site conditions, resulting in a harmonious adaptation to local conditions. In total, the project area of the Vienna City Forestry Department, the Vienna Woods (Wienerwald), embodies a diverse ecosystem with a fascinating history, rich flora and fauna as well as numerous educational and recreational opportunities.

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Maximilian Venhofen

Maximilian Venhofen
Carbon Sales Expert

Mixed deciduous forests

In mixed deciduous forests, the diversity of tree species acts as a shield against pest infestation. At the same time, the falling leaves and organic materials contribute to soil improvement and nutrient enrichment. In this way, they increase nutrient availability for plants and microorganisms and promote efficient water storage.

Special biodiversity

The biodiversity in the Vienna City Forestry Department is impressive and makes it a unique ecosystem. To date, a total of 2,555 known animal species thrive here, including special Natura 2000 beetle species such as the Violet Blue Root Weevil, the Capricorn Beetle, the Alpine Longhorn Beetle, the Stag Beetle, the Heath Tiger Beetle, the Scarlet Beetle, and the Four-toothed Dung Beetle. Along with the researched 578 fungal species and 1,713 plant species, this diversity lends the forest its uniqueness and ensures the stability of the ecosystem.

hanging leaves
Downy oak scrub forests

Downy oak has deep roots to absorb water from deeper soil layers. These plants have developed clever adaptations to cope with changing conditions such as dry phases and intense sunlight. These forests of Vienna are essential for soil protection, erosion prevention and the preservation of biodiversity.


Meaningful actions with your money

The additional resources will ensure that the right measures can be taken for the forest to help it achieve climate stability.
Icon with leave and hand

Forest Restructuring

Monoculture stands are being converted into climate-resilient mixed forests.

Icon with tree


Reforestation of former damaged areas is undertaken.

Icon wit sun


Measures such as browsing protection, regeneration promoting measures, etc.

Icon with tree


Biodiversity enhancement, deadwood, water protection.

Icon with mountain

Protection Forests

Supporting the forest's protective function against avalanches, landslides, etc.

Icon mit Chopper in Wood

Timber harvesting

Use of methods that are gentle on the stock, such as backing with horses and modern technology

Icon with Street and trees

Forest Infrastructure

Accessibility is improved by the creation and maintenance of roads, which enables careful forest management.


Insight into the challenges

To counteract the daily challenges in the forest and provide a solution to the diverse problems within this woodland, investments will be allocated towards the following issues.
Historical legacies

The Vienna Forestry Office has placed special emphasis on addressing 'Historical Legacy Sites' – woodland areas that emerged following extensive clear-cutting in the aftermath of both World Wars. These stands are characterized by limited resilience and structural diversity, rendering them more susceptible to diseases, pests, and environmental shifts.

hiking in the mountains
Intensive recreational use

The Vienna Forestry Office faces challenges associated with intensive recreational use and extended borders adjacent to residential areas and roads. Recreational activities can result in adverse effects such as soil erosion and disturbances to wildlife. Long borders with neighboring communities and roads introduce noise, light pollution, and foreign substance infiltration.

Drought and heat

Climate change is significantly impacting the Vienna region through drought and heat. Rising temperatures and reduced rainfall result in prolonged dry periods and heatwaves. In the Vienna Woods, there are already instances of tree species like the Mountain Maple and Bird Cherry facing decline in dry locations.


How this project supports the SDGs

We are committed to directly and indirectly supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in our climate protection projects. The SDGs provide an excellent framework for activities that contribute to a better and more sustainable future.



Quality Education

Since 1998, the Vienna Forest School Ottakring has been providing annual forest tours for 5,000 students. In collaboration with the Vienna Woods Biosphere Reserve, we organize the "Day of Biodiversity" every two years, offering nature education for 150 school classes. We also offer themed tours and exhibitions for adults, advocating for forest education and conservation.


Climate Action

Carefully planned and executed forest management measures can significantly and sustainably enhance the resilience of ecosystems. Simultaneously, these actions provide the opportunity to specifically improve structurally and species-poor forest stands, leading to increased CO₂ storage in the forest.


Life on Land

Within the forests managed by the Vienna City Forestry Department, there are beech-oak mixed forests as well as Scots pine forests, alder-ash forests, and downy oak scrub forests. These woodlands harbor a diverse biodiversity. The forest preserves this diversity by offering protection, sustenance, and habitat for various species.

ISO 14064-2:2019-based methodology

Our projects utilize the "SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard" methodology in accordance with ISO 14064-2:2019. This standard ensures that companies follow transparent and consistent methods to measure and report their emissions.


Externally certified projects

In collaboration with our partner, we arrange for the validation of our projects by an external certifier such as TÜV Austria. Subsequently, we coordinate the annual monitoring with the certifier, as well as handle the marketing and distribution of the verified emissions reductions (VERs).

man in the forest

Forest Climate Protection with

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