Augustinian Canons' Monastery Vorau
Project Infos
Project Area
3,014.5 ha
Vorau, Steiermark
Project Start Date
January 2023
Project Time Span
30 years
Project Type
Improved Forest Management - Conservation
Project Developer, Dornbirn
Verification Standard
SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard, ISO 14064-2
Project Volume
9,139 tCO₂/year
Risk Buffer Share
Credits available

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Rejuvenation of beech in old spruce stands

Members of the ARGE-Wechselforst
Thinning measures to promote the next forest generation
Created wetland biotope in the forest

Visitor guidance and support

Tree species trial area
Primeval forest area is secured by ARGE Wechselforst
Project Timeline
04 September 2024
Forest audit
Feasibility study finalised
Forest Climate Protection Project
A forest with unique features

Historical significance of forest utilisation
The forest areas of Augustinian Canons' Monastery Vorau were used intensively in the 18th and 19th centuries, including for the production of charcoal in the Festenburg district to supply glassworks and hammer mills. This intensive utilisation continued until around 1900, before sustainable forestry was introduced to ensure that wood would remain available for future generations.
Diverse tree species and ecological value
For example, around 20 different tree species were introduced in the Peggau district to increase biodiversity and enhance the forest’s color and diversity. This initiative helps the forest adapt to changing climatic conditions and promotes ecological values.
Involvement in educational and environmental projects
The forest is actively used for educational purposes by guiding regional school classes through its grounds. Additionally, efforts are made to show supporters of the forest climate protection project the areas and measures on site, in order to raise awareness about nature conservation.
Meaningful actions with your money
Forest Restructuring
Monoculture stands are being converted into climate-resilient mixed forests.
Reforestation of former damaged areas is undertaken.
Measures such as browsing protection, regeneration promoting measures, etc.

Biodiversity enhancement, deadwood, water protection.
Protection forest
Supporting the protective function of the forest against avalanches, landslides, etc.

More expensive timber harvesting due to difficult accessibility, support by costly technology like cable cranes, etc. is made possible.
Forest infrastructure
Accessibility is improved by the creation and maintenance of roads, which enables careful forest management.
Voices from the forest
The forest climate protection project enables us to finance the necessary silvicultural measures to make our forests more resilient and adaptable so that they can continue to fulfill their multifunctional roles even under rapidly changing environmental conditions.

DI Christoph Geier
Forest Manager of the Augustinian Canons' Monastery in Vorau
Insight Into the Challenges
Climate Change
Climate change is causing bark beetle infestation and drought, which threatens the stability of forest stands and makes forest restructuring urgently necessary.
Rising Costs
Increasing labour costs and falling timber prices are making it more difficult to finance the necessary measures to adapt the forest.
Extensive Maintenance Requirements
The stabilization and maintenance of newly planted, climate-resilient tree species require significant human and financial resources to ensure healthy stands in the long term.
ISO 14064-2:2019 based Methodology
Our projects utilise the "SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard" methodology in accordance with ISO 14064-2:2019, which ensures that companies use transparent and consistent methods to measure and report their emissions.

Externally Certified Projects
The validation of the project is carried out by an external certifier such as TÜV Austria. The annual monitoring by the certifier and the marketing and distribution of the verified climate protection services (VER) are then coordinated by

Forest Climate Protection with