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Image of Montafon
Certification completedCredits available

Stand Montafon

As the largest forest owner in Vorarlberg and with 90 % protective forest areas, the Stand Montafon makes a significant contribution to the habitability of the Montafon.

Project Infos

Project Area

6,480 ha



Project Start Date

January 2022

Project Time Span

30 years

Project Type

Improved Forest Management - Conservation

Project Developer

Tree.ly, Dornbirn

Verification Standard

SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard, ISO 14064-2


Project Volume

23,840 tCO₂/year

Risk Buffer Share


Credits available

Project documents


TÜV Certificate

€60 /tCO₂

not including tax


Price including tax: €72.00


With your support you help Stand Montafon with sustainable forestry.

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Gain an insight into the most important milestones of this project.

09. February 2023

Credits available

Successful verification

The Stand Montafon climate protection project was successfully verified using the ISO-certified SILVACONSULT Carbon Standard® method. The credits from the verified sink performance for 2022 are now available for sale.

01. December 2022


Forest audit in the Stand Montafon forests

The project was assessed by TÜV Austria as part of an audit. The sustainable possibilities of the Stand Montafon forest were discussed between the forester, TÜV Austria and Tree.ly on the sites.

24. January 2022

Feasibility study completed

The project options for the Montafon forest were determined as part of a feasibility study. The Stand Montafon decided in favour of a stock conservation project for at least 30 years during which carbon is actively conserved in the forest.

Forest Climate Protection Project

A forest with special features

With 6,470 ha, the Stand Montafon is the largest forest owner in Vorarlberg. Most of its forest areas are located in mountainous terrain, over 1,200 m above sea level. This makes management more difficult and at the same time results in an increased protective function. With more than 90 % protective forest, the Stand Montafon contributes significantly to the habitability of the Montafon.

Support Forests in Your Region

Buy regional credits to make a valuable contribution to the current climate problem.

Maximilian Venhofen

Maximilian Venhofen
Carbon Credit Specialist

Special biodiversity

The comparatively unspoilt mountain forests provide a special habitat for rare species of orchids, mosses and lichens. In addition to hoofed game such as chamois, rare bird species such as capercaillie and black grouse are also at home in the Montafon. Recently, large predators such as the lynx and wolf have also been reported.

Forest education

The Montafon Forest School was founded at the instigation of the Forest Fund. Classic forest tours as well as the mountain forest project and the junior forester take place in the state forest.

Special protective function

With 90 % protection forest, the Stand Montafon forest protects the Montafon from avalanches as well as flood and rockfall events.


Meaningful actions with your money

The additional resources will ensure that the right measures can be taken for the forest to help it achieve climate stability.

Forest Restructuring

Monoculture stands are being converted into climate-resilient mixed forests.



Reforestation in the entire forest with a focus on climate-resistant tree species.



The encouragement of hunting in the Silbertal favors the natural regeneration of the forest.



Biodiversity enhancement, deadwood, water protection.


Protection Forests

Supporting the forest's protective function against avalanches, landslides, etc.



Supporting the forest's protective function against avalanches, landslides, etc.


Forest Infrastructure

Construction of walkways and forest roads as well as maintenance of access roads. This ensures faster processing of damaged timber and more intensive maintenance of the protection forests that are necessary for regeneration.


Insight into the challenges

In order to counteract the daily challenges in the forest and create a solution to multiple problems in this forest, investments are used for the following problems.
Icon with sun
Overaged Protective Forest/ Preservation of Protective Function

An overaged protection forest may provide less diverse habitats, often have a lower natural regenerative capacity, and the germination capacity of trees decreases, making regeneration more difficult.

Damaged Wood

Insects, fungi or other pests can infest entire forest areas and weaken or kill trees. Dead trees lose their ability to store carbon, contributing to the release of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. Currently, 20,000 cubic meters of damaged wood from a windthrow in 2023 are being processed.

Difficult access situation

Due to the extreme terrain in the Montafon forest, the accessibility of the forest proves to be extremely difficult. The complex management of the steep terrain is difficult to cover costs. This results in old stands with large stocks.

Icon with earth and sun
Climate Change

Climate changes such as altered precipitation patterns, higher temperatures, and extreme weather events affect the health and growth of forests. They become more susceptible to disease and their ability to store CO₂ is impaired.

Support Stand Montafon


How this projects supports the SDG’s

We are committed to directly and indirectly supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in our climate protection projects. The SDGs are an excellent framework for activities that lead to a better and more sustainable future.
Logo SDG 4, quality education


Quality Education

Continuous forest education is undertaken here in the form of excursions for school classes of different ages all around Vorarlberg.
Logo SDG 12, responsible consumption and production

SDG 12

Responsible Consumption and Production

For almost two centuries, the foresters of Stand Montafon have dedicated their lives to ensuring their forests can be resiliently passed on to the next generation.
Logo SDG 13,  Climate Action

SDG 13

Climate Action

The climate protection project and the commitment not to fall below a certain stock level within the next 30 years will help to preserve the carbon sink in the forest.
Logo SDG 15, Life on Land

SDG 15

Life on Land

There are various forest types found here, including an impressive gypsum doline spruce forest which is unique for the whole region and is home to numerous rare and highly specialised animal and plant species.

ISO 14064-2:2019 Based Methodology

Our projects use the "SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard" methodology according to ISO 14064-2:2019, which ensures that companies follow transparent and consistent methods to measure and report their emissions.


Externally Certified Projects

In cooperation with our partner, we organize the validation of our projects by an external certifier such as TÜV Austria. We then coordinate the annual monitoring by the certifier as well as the marketing and distribution of the verified climate protection services (VER).

Erik in the forest

Forest Climate Protection with Tree.ly

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