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Ügyfeleink inspiráló történetei

Background with shapes


Stories, resources and materials from the Tree.ly team

Cover from Inventory report


Germany’s Forests in Focus: Results of the Fourth National Forest Inventory

Biodiversity is growing, but so are carbon emissions. How did Germany’s forests turn into carbon sources?



Picture of Marie Woida

Marie Woida

Finding a way of acquiring Sentinel data for biomass studies


Finding a way of acquiring Sentinel data for biomass studies

How the data of Sentinel satellites can be accessed and used for calculating the Above Ground Biomass (AGB) of forests



Roman Breitfuss-Schiffer

Roman Breitfuss-Schiffer

partnership announcement Tree.ly & respACT


Tree.ly & respACT: Driving corporate sustainability solutions in Austria

Tree.ly & respACT: Sustainability in Austria



Rosanna Littooij

Rosanna Littooij

CRCF-Update Image

Carbon Markets

How is Tree.ly preparing for compliance with the Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming Regulation?

Discover how we’re getting ready for the CRCF and why we’re excited about the upcoming regulations.



Picture of Moritz Lutz

Moritz Lutz

Team Tree.ly 2024

About Tree.ly

Another Milestone for Tree.ly

We are thrilled to share, that Tree.ly closed it's Seed-funding.



Bettina Fuhrmann

Bettina Fuhrmann

Drone Jerzens


Part 3: Innovative potential for sustainable forest management

How can sustainable forestry save our forests and why do forest owners need new sources of income?



Picture of Marie Woida

Marie Woida

Picture of forest in maintenance


Part 2: The challenges in European forestry

Non site adapted monocultures with low biodiversity and damaging wildlife impact are more vulnerable to damaging events and require high investments. This blog post shines a light on the challenges facing forestry.



Picture of Marie Woida

Marie Woida


Carbon Markets

A Tree.ly Guide: SBTi and Science Based Targets

The SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard briefly explained: More about the initiative, recommendations, projects and the upcoming 2024 update for BVCM standards.



Bettina Fuhrmann

Bettina Fuhrmann

Bild with forest and trees


Part 1: Modern management practices for climate protection

We describe how sustainability, biodiversity conservation and climate protection are implemented in various management measures in commercial forests



Picture of Ludmila Schäfer-Griffel

Ludmila Schäfer-Griffel

Picture of forest with sunbeams

Carbon Markets

Why forests make a significant difference in climate change mitigation

We are discussing the function and relevance of forests in the context of nature-based measures for climate protection.



Bettina Fuhrmann

Bettina Fuhrmann

CSO awards with Tree.ly


Forest walk dubbed "highlight of the week" at WEF24 in Davos

In a series of impactful events, Tree.ly took sustainability leaders on an immersive journey to experience local & nature based carbon sink projects.



Rosanna Littooij

Rosanna Littooij

Picture of forest trees

Carbon Markets

Transparent, precise, regional: How Tree.ly differentiates itself in the CO₂ market

Discover why Tree.ly stands out with transparency, precision, and regional focus. Explore how our sustainable forestry projects overcome the weaknesses of previous initiatives. Join us on the journey towards a greener future!



Picture of Moritz Lutz

Moritz Lutz

An image with the Tree.ly and Silvaconsult logo

About Tree.ly

SILVACONSULT joins forces with Tree.ly

Nov 14, 2023: Tree.ly acquires Silvaconsult AG, bolstering its lead in forest carbon offsets.



Image of Fiona Batlogg

Fiona Batlogg

Picture with woodstones and images on it

Carbon Markets

How to Navigate the EU Greenwashing Law: A Guide for Consumers and Businesses

Prepare for a groundbreaking transformation in product marketing. With the EU Greenwashing Law on the horizon for November 2023, businesses will need to be more transparent in their environmental claims. Brace for an eco-conscious future!



An image of Stefanie Dünser

Stefanie Dünser

Landscape with mountains

Carbon Markets

Hardly any compensation through forest protection?

Why it makes sense for companies to support high-quality regional projects.



Image of Jodok Batlogg

Jodok Batlogg

4 ways to net-zero

Carbon Markets

The Importance of CSRD for your Company from 2024

Serious corporate sustainability is key in the fight for our climate, if you want to learn more, read the article.



Image of christian lutz

Christian Lutz

men standing in the forest

About Tree.ly

Forest Climate Protection Projects with Guarantee: The Role of TÜV Austria

Find out how TÜV Austria certifies the forest climate protection projects from the Tree.ly portfolio.



An image of Stefanie Dünser

Stefanie Dünser

Photo of girl looking at trees

Carbon Markets

Part 4: 4 Steps to Become a Climate Change Leader

To become a climate leader is to use these recommendations for implementing the contribution approach into your company’s climate strategy.



Picture of Claire Ellicott

Claire Ellicott

Picture of Trees

Carbon Markets

Part 3: The Benefits of the Contribution Model

We explain the benefits of the contribution model and how this methodology offers solutions to solve the problems with the current compensation model and how it serves a greater impact towards our climate.



Picture of Claire Ellicott

Claire Ellicott

men is holding small seedlings

Carbon Markets

Part 2: A New Approach to Climate Protection

The consequences of global warming depend on how effectively and efficiently climate change mitigation measures are implemented.



Picture of Claire Ellicott

Claire Ellicott

Photo of person walking in forest

Carbon Markets

Part 1: Why the Current Compensation Model is Failing Us

We can make a real contribution to protecting our planet, but the first step is learning why "Carbon Neutral” is not making the climate impact needed.



Picture of Claire Ellicott

Claire Ellicott

Forest floor with trees

Carbon Markets

The CO₂ Footprint - calculation and meaning

In times of climate change, the CO₂ footprint is a much discussed topic. The amount of greenhouse gases we produce has a direct impact on global warming.



Picture of Marie Woida

Marie Woida

Drone shot with forest and landscape

Carbon Markets

Dealing with CO₂ emissions and voluntary climate protection services

In a world increasingly affected by climate change and environmental pollution, it is also important as a company to make a positive contribution to climate change with CO₂ compensation.



Image of Fiona Batlogg

Fiona Batlogg

Trees in a forest

Carbon Markets

The debate on transparency: How does honest CO₂ compensation work for European forests?

Forest owners play an important role in the fight against climate change by implementing projects that help preserve forests.



An image of Stefanie Dünser

Stefanie Dünser

Forester Martin Bertsch calipers the diameter of a spruce


Silent Heroes: Results of the last Austrian Forest Inventory 2016-2021

As shown by the latest National Forest Inventory, the foresters in Austria have done a great job! Learn more about the positive development of the Austrian forest.



Picture of Marie Woida

Marie Woida

Birds eye view forest

Carbon Markets

Forest carbon management: principles for selling carbon credits

The working group "Carbon Management in Forests" of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture sets benchmarks on climate protection projects.



Picture of Marie Woida

Marie Woida


About Tree.ly

The Tree.ly Climate Project Codex: Ensuring the highest quality carbon credits

Find out here precisely how our projects resolve several of the carbon market’s wicked problems.



An image of Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

Man looking up at trees and marvelling nature


Tree.ly: Recognizing the value of forest ecosystem services

A big part of Tree.ly’s mission is finally compensating forests (and by extension forest owners) for the valuable ecosystem services they provide. What are these “services”, and how are they compensated?



An image of Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

CO₂ text on a tree

Carbon Markets

An Introduction to Carbon Markets in 2022

Carbon markets remain difficult jungles to navigate, are subject to frequent change, and often misunderstood. Given the importance of this topic to both Tree.ly’s mission and the future of the planet, here we offer the reader a handy short introduction.



An image of Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

people working on forest management in vorarlberg austria

About Tree.ly

Explainer: What types of projects does Tree.ly deal with?

Tree.ly helps forest owners get compensated for the ecosystem services they provide. But how? Here we explain.



An image of Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

trees in montafon vorarlberg


How is climate change affecting European forests?

Trees have a huge role to play in climate change mitigation, but these same trees are themselves under threat from the transformations already under way. Here’s how forests in Europe are changing in unexpected ways.



An image of Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

An image with the Pro Silva Logo and the Österreichischer Forstverein Logo and the Text "News from Tree.ly"

About Tree.ly

News from Tree.ly

We've been invited to the Austrian forestry days, we onboarded new employees and many more updates from Tree.ly



An image of Tobias Sutterlüty

Tobias Sutterlüty

trees in vorarlberg austria


What functions does a forest perform?

Forests sequester carbon and much more besides: let’s take a look at some of the life-giving roles they quietly fulfil.



An image of Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

Trees on a slope


What are carbon removals and why do we need them to reach our climate goals?

The Paris Climate Agreement calls for limiting man-made global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, or even 1.5 degrees Celsius if possible, compared to pre-industrial levels.



Picture of Luis Schneider

Luis Schneider

The IPCC logo and a text "6th report"


Forests and carbon capture: the verdict from the latest IPCC report

Let’s take a look at what the latest IPCC report means for forests, their CO₂ capture potential, and their sustainable management.



An image of Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

An image with several Boemly components


Introducing Boemly, our component library for React

Boemly – The blazing fast, accessible and customizable React component library maintained by Tree.ly



An image of Lukas Bals

Lukas Bals

An aerial image of a forest

About Tree.ly

What does Tree.ly do?

As a young climate-tech startup, we help unleash the significant carbon storage potential of forests while bringing additional money to foresters.



Andrea Blum

Andrea Blum

Three overlapping circles with the Tree.ly logo in the center.

About Tree.ly

Why Tree.ly?

The forest is the basis of life. We are committed to the forest through state-of-the-art technology and regional cooperation.



Andrea Blum

Andrea Blum

Light background shapes


Fool-proofing your nature based solutions strategy

Rethinking carbon credits for impact
To the E-Book