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seed-round 2024
Official press release Seed-Round

Artikel zu Tree.ly
In this article, Patrick Dax from futurezone.at writes about how Tree.ly helps forest owners to earn extra money and thus keep their forests climate-resilient in the long term.
Around 48 per cent of Austria's surface area is covered by forests. Forests play an important role in solving climate change. Read more about the functions of forests and how Tree.ly works.
Kleine Waldzeitung
The ‘Kleine Waldzeitung’, published by the Vorarlberger Waldverein, provides information about forests, the environment and nature conservation in Vorarlberg.
DLD München 2022
At DLD Munich 2022, our founder Jodok Batlogg explained how forest owners can generate additional income with Tree.ly.
Die Presse: "Der Wald braucht Liebe"
The performance of the ecosystem now has a value: thanks to the carbon tax and CO₂ certificates, forests in Austria can generate new profits - even without deforestation for firewood and timber.
Reiter Magazin
An interview from Reiter Magazine: ‘We can increase CO₂ compensation from 7% to 12% with the forest in Europe,’ says Jodok. The forest owners are delighted. They receive a new source of income and improve the status of their forests.
Wirtschaftspresse Agentur
wirtschaftspresseagentur.com reports on the almost 30,000 tonnes of CO₂ that Tree.ly can store in the forest with forest owners and why it is important for us to connect forest owners with regional companies.
Vorarlberg heute: Vorarlberg as a land of innovation
Jodok Batlogg talks to Vorarlberg Heute about the development of innovation in Vorarlberg and the importance of the start-up scene.
ORF: Great inventive spirit in Vorarlberg
The ORF report on the start-up scene in Vorarlberg shows how collaboration and a focus on problem-solving can lead to ground-breaking innovations.
Trend Wirtschaft: Green Gold
Trend Wirtschaft reports on CO₂ certificate trading as a new source of income and how forest owners can benefit from it.
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