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michael degenkolb
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An entrepreneur is supporting local forests

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Michael Degenkolb


Skilled crafts

michael degenkolb

who is behind mal2

About the company mal2

Michael Degenkolb is the managing director of a painting company called "mal2 malen & mehr" based in Vorarlberg. His master-level business does painting, indoors and outdoors, mold remediation, and other handyman tasks. A few years ago, Michael had to take a career break. During this time, he focused deeply on the climate crisis and decided to lead by example. He follows the motto: Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Interested in Effective Climate Protection?

Contact one of our Experts

Maximilian Venhofen

Maximilian Venhofen
Carbon Sales Expert

Eco-Profit Certification and mineral paints

As an entrepreneur, Michael is aware of his ecological responsibility and takes important steps to avoid emissions.

The Challenge – Local Focus

Michael knew about climate protection projects that were far away. However, he wanted to support projects in his own region that he could see and understand. He found the right solution with projects from Tree.ly.

In harmony with nature

For Michael, the health of the forest reflects his own values. He finds relaxation in the forest and wants to preserve and expand this ecosystem through voluntary financial support.

Why Tree.ly

Michaels trust in Tree.ly

Michael believes in the mission of Tree.ly because it aligns with his values. He appreciates that Tree.ly promotes sustainable forestry and ensures that the forests remain healthy and climate-resilient.
Card with pin
Local Impact

With Tree.ly projects, Michael can see where and how his investment is being used. The regional aspect of the projects gives him a new level of trust and security. He values the local approach, which allows him to see where and how his contribution is being used.

Transparency icon
Transparency and Trust

He values the transparency and the personal connection he has with Tree.ly. Being able to see the openness behind the company has built trust and given him a sense of security. With the transaction registry, you can also gain insight.

House with leave
Avoid, Reduce, and make voluntary contributions

The painting company mal2 avoids and reduces a large part of their emissions. In addition to that, they contributes to transparent projects outside of their value chain. The aim is to make an honest contribution rather than engaging in greenwashing.

Händeschütteln mit Globus im Hintergrund
Robust forests, financial security

As someone who values nature, Michael recognizes the urgent need for changes in our forests. The project from Tree.ly offers the opportunity to transform our forests into robust, climate-resistant ecosystems. This additional source of income provides not only financial stability for forest owners but also reduces their dependence on the volatile timber market.

To the Transaction Registry

The supported project

The Stand Montafon in Vorarlberg

The forests of Stand Montafon are the green backbone of Montafon—a valley in western Austria. These forests protect the living areas and the Streets of the valley. Climate change weakens individual trees as well as entire areas. Michael Degenkolb understands this and has set an example for climate-resilient forests with his voluntary financial support.
More about the Project
Steep forests

"Buying trees in Uganda far away doesn't appeal to me. But when I read about the lives of trees and my wife told me about Tree.ly, I found my local solution."

Michael Degenkolb

Michael Degenkolb
CEO mal2 malen & mehr

Michael Degenkolb

Michael Degenkolb

men standing in the snow

A beautiful snow hike

men in the forest

Michael during hiking

Zürser lake

Zürser lake

men standing in the forest

Michael between the beatutiful roots of the trees

Act now!

Act locally, impact globally

Learn how you can actively ensure a livable future and support local projects
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Effective Support

Support regional ecosystems

Become part of our mission to protect local ecosystems and make them climate-resilient. With our CO₂ credits, you have the chance to consciously invest in a greener future and, like Michael, take responsibility for your immediate environment
Picture with examples for ecosystem services
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Two people with text

Taking Responsibility

Take the next step

You now have the opportunity to take action. Choose effective climate protection in local forests. Make the first move, contact us, and learn more about our CO₂ credits and our TÜV-certified project portfolio.