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Jerzens forest picture
Improved Forest ManagementCredits available

Jerzens Municipal Forest

In the Tyrolean mountains, the Swiss stone pine forest protects against avalanches, while wild bees buzz and golden eagles circle. Maintaining young stands secures the future of the forest.
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Project Infos

Project Area

665.3 ha



Project Start Date

January 2023

Project Time Span

30 years

Project Type

Improved Forest Management - Conservation

Project Developer

Tree.ly, Dornbirn

Verification Standard

SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard, ISO 14064-2


Project Volume

1,585 tCO₂/year

Risk Buffer Share


Credits available

Project documents


TÜV Certificate

Maximilian Venhofen Picture

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Waterfall picture

The forest regulates the water balance - but dry periods endanger this function

Bark beetle picture

On storm-damaged areas, beetle traps (black box) help to recognise the spread of pests at an early stage.

Alder forest picture

Forests with a high nature conservation value, such as this alder quarry, serve to promote biodiversity rather than timber production.

Biotope tree image

In Jerzens, biotope trees are promoted that provide a valuable habitat for numerous life forms.

Swiss stone pine picture

At higher altitudes, the municipal forest of Jerzens is characterised by Swiss stone pine forests.

Mayor and Treely in Jerzens Picture

Johannes Reinstadler, mayor of the municipality of Jerzens, and Tobias Sutterlüty from Tree.ly on a Swiss stone pine area in Jerzens.

Mountain lake picture

The forest stores water and protects the community from erosion, flooding and other natural hazards.

Maple picture

Mixed tree species such as maple are promoted in order to advance forest reorganisation.

Jerzens map image

Project Mission

How the project works

Through improved forest management, the project ensures that timber stocks do not fall below a defined level and that carbon remains sequestered in the forest in the long term. In addition, all income from the project flows directly back into the forest.

The project is audited by TÜV Austria, has been certified since January 2025 and contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.

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More than carbon storage

Forests provide raw materials, protect against natural hazards, provide habitats and store carbon. However, climate change is affecting them: rising temperatures and extreme weather events are weakening them and leading to loss of forest cover. This project not only secures carbon storage, but also strengthens the resilience of the forest and promotes its functions through the following measures.
Forest conversion icon
Forest Restructuring

Monocultures of the same age are efficient but vulnerable. Active forest reorganisation creates resilient, species-rich mixed forests and promotes biodiversity.

Planting icon

New forest areas are planted and deforested areas are promptly reforested after natural disasters.

Rejuvenation icon

Targeted measures such as the protection of young trees and the selective clearing of individual areas promote natural forest regeneration.

Nature conservation icon
Nature conservation

Biodiversity is promoted by leaving deadwood in the forest and preserving ecologically valuable trees as habitats.

Forest maintenance icon

Sophisticated but forest-friendly techniques enable sustainable management and a faster response to natural events.

Protective forest icon
Protection Forest

Protection forests are actively maintained, including by planting gaps, in order to maintain closed and structured stands that protect against natural events such as avalanches and erosion.

Road icon
Forest Infrastructure

Forest paths are being renovated and created to ensure accessibility.

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Forester picture

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