Wilder Wald Hohenzollern
Project Infos
Project Area
153.92 ha
Project Start Date
January 2022
Project Time Span
50 years
Project Type
Forest Reserve
Project Developer
Silvaconsult AG, Winterthur
Verification Standard
SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard, ISO 14064-2
Project Volume
1,830 tCO₂/year
Risk Buffer Share
Credits available
15 March
Successful verification
22 May 2022
Forest audit in the Wilder Wald Hohenzollern
5 May 2021
Feasibility study completed
Forest Climate Protection Project
A forest with unique features
Support Forests in Your Region
Buy regional credits to make a valuable contribution to the current climate problem.
Maximilian Venhofen
Carbon Credit Specialist
Natural Development and Biodiversity
The Wilder Wald Hohenzollern pursues a natural development, resulting in a diverse array of species. This contributes to the preservation of biological diversity and creates habitats for specialized animal and plant species.
Carbon-rich Deadwood Ecosystems
By abstaining from timber harvesting, a unique abundance of deadwood is created in the forest. These deadwood ecosystems facilitate decomposition and provide habitat for numerous organisms that are crucial for the forest cycle.
Sustainable Contribution to Climate Protection
The Wilder Wald Hohenzollern plays a key role in climate protection by acting as a significant carbon sink.
Meaningful actions with your money
Reforestation of former damaged areas is undertaken
Measures such as browsing protection, regeneration promoting measures, etc.
Biodiversity enhancement, deadwood, water protection
Protection Forests
Supporting the forest's protective function against avalanches, landslides, etc.
Problems of the forest
Insight into the challenges
Storm damage
Forest management faces the challenge of dealing with damages caused by storms. The planting of trees in areas affected by storms requires significant resources and effort.
Increasing drought poses a serious threat to the forest. Measures to adapt to this challenge, such as planting trees on dry areas, require financial investments.
Bark Beetle
The infestation of bark beetles poses a further challenge for the forest. Resources must be used to combat this pest in order to maintain the health of the forest.
How does this project support the Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 13
Measures for climate protection
The Wilder Wald Hohenzollern natural forest project is helping to mitigate the effects of climate change by making a significant contribution to the conservation and revitalisation of forests.SDG 15
Life on Land
The Wilder Wald Hohenzollern aims to protect life on land, preserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable forest management.ISO 14064-2:2019 based Methodology
The SILVACONSULT® Forest Carbon Standard methodology in accordance with ISO 14064-2:2019 is applied. This standard ensures that companies use transparent and consistent methods to measure and report their emissions.
Externally Certified Projects
The validation of the project is carried out by an external certifier such as TÜV Nord. This is followed by annual monitoring.
Forest climate protection with Tree.ly